Hyoumankind's Go Pillow

Having trouble sleeping? It could be your pillow

Cracking the code for a good night’s sleep could keep you awake all night but Hyoumankind pillows have all the numbers to ensure you get your best beauty sleep.

While most of us are consumed by thoughts of sleep at night, Kiwi entrepreneur Steph Wyborn spends most of her waking hours helping the perennially weary find more than 40 winks.

Nine years ago Wyborn noticed that the way we slept had a direct impact on the way we looked and felt and decided to do something about it, refining the simple solution that became Hyoumankind’s collection of multi-tasking sleep pillows.

Along the way she has crunched the numbers behind sleep science to make dreams of sleep success even sweeter:

50% of the population get less than 6 hours sleep per night, the recommended amount is between 7-8 hours for an adult.

68% The percentage of people who suffer from sleep issues at least once a week.

8 years… of product development to create Hyoumankind pillows that promote better sleep. “The pillows had to have a contoured edge to support the neck and shoulders, and be made of premium, slow release memory foam,” says Steph Wyborn.

16 prototypes… were developed for the sleep pillows, with years of experimentation to achieve the best sleep results. 

2.2 pillows… is the number the average person sleeps with. A single pillow is all you need to support your head for a perfect sleep. The purpose of a pillow is to keep your neck aligned with your spine in comfort.

4 pillows… is the number of products in Hyoumankind’s multi-functional range, which includes the 100 per cent New Zealand Made Go Pillow, Boost Pillow, Back Sleep Pillow and Therapeutic Knee Pillow. 


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