An afterthought for too long, the skin below the neckline is finally getting the attention
it deserves.
Lymphatic Massage
From body sculpting and contouring to increased circulation, reducing fluid retention, strengthening immunity, supporting detoxification, and even enhancing nutrient absorption and bolstering overall health, the benefits of lymphatic massage are vast.

Dry Brushing
Simple and effective, dry brushing — an ancient Ayurvedic practice from India within which a natural bristle brush is used to gently massage the skin, stimulates the lymphatic system, increases circulation, and gently exfoliates — removing toxins, increasing energy, and reducing cellulite.

Skin Contouring
From Lanreé’s Thermage®️FLX system, which uses radiofrequency therapy to help smooth, tighten, and contour skin, to Body Catalyst’s revolutionary HIFU body contouring treatment, to the RSL Sculpting Beautylizer, there are a number of non-invasive, efficacious skin sculpting treatments with results that speak for themselves.
Hard-Working Creams & Serums
Designed to help visibly tone, tighten and firm the skin, there are myriad bespoke formulations that actually work — from Nécessaire’s The Body Serum to Sisley Paris’ Le Sculpteur.

Serum from Mecca