If you’ve ever had the pleasure of staying at the Halekulani Hotel in Waikiki, you’ll be familiar with its deliciously addictive popovers, which have been served for breakfast at the resort for over a century. Similar to a Yorkshire Pudding, with an airy interior and crispy exterior and requiring just four ingredients — consider these decadent popovers a bit of an upgrade over your standard buttered toast.
2 cups flour (plain)
½ quart milk
1 teaspoon salt
6 eggs
1. Pre-heat oven to 230 degrees.
2. Combine milk and eggs and beat together.
3. Add sifted flour and salt to egg mixture and beat in slowly.
4. Pour into hot oiled muffin tins.
5. Bake for approximately 45 minutes.
6. Serve warm with butter and jam.