When we think about the kinds of meals that bring us together, a homecooked roast with extended family is about as good as it gets. It’s the kind of meal cooked with care and never at a breakneck pace, encouraging us to all slow down our weekend routines and pay attention to the company around us. It’s some of the ethos that has inspired Akarana Eatery’s new weekend roast menu; hearty food and connection. What more could you want on wintry days like these?

Served over the weekends at this Tamaki Drive eatery, Nic Watt’s special Weekend Roast Menu officially starts this weekend, and having sampled some ourselves, it wouldn’t be a stretch to call it the best in town. Guests here can choose between three hot roast options; a Woodfire Half Garlic & Lemon Chicken, a 5 Spiced Wood Roasted Pork Belly, or the Woodfire Roasted Sirloin Steak — the latter of which is served in an enormous Yorkshire pudding. All roasts come paired with fresh, seasonal accompaniments to match the meats. (And a further side of Yorkies can be ordered if you’re as obsessed with these tasty morsels as we are.)

With a fixed price of $38 across the Weekend Roast Menu and suggested wine pairings for each iteration, it’s hard to go wrong here. This roast takes the stress and the hours out of cooking, where it’s always promised to come out perfect, and allows you to focus on what truly matters — the people you choose to share it with. It’s the kind of menu we’ll treat ourselves to all winter, whether for a humble date night or a big family get-together (on Akarana’s famed 20-seat table). And perhaps further proof that there’s nothing Nic Watt can’t do well.