The most unexpected way to keep your house cool during summer

Dark colours are known to absorb vast amounts of light and heat. And while the intake of light gives these hues their depth, the heat factor means that tones on the shadier end of the spectrum have the potential to become unbearably hot after exposure to sunlight. This, of course, relates to a house as much as it does to a dark sweater in January or the steering wheel of a car that’s been parked in the sun all afternoon. If a homeowner has decided to finish their property in a sleek exterior of say, dark brown or grey or black, they can be sure that if rendered in regular paint, that house will have some serious temperature issues come summertime.

Luckily, we don’t deal with regular paint, and Resene (the pioneering powerhouse behind paint that borders on technological genius) has come up with a simple solution. Its CoolColour range is innovatively designed to allow darker colours to be used on roofing or the outer walls of houses without any concern for how that might effect the temperature inside. The paint in question is still able to absorb light, but when it comes to the sun’s infrared rays, is far more reflective than its run-of-the-mill counterparts. As a result, the heat build-up is much slower (in fact, it never actually reaches the ‘you could fry an egg on it’ stage) which in turn, stops the usual transfer of heat from the property’s exterior to its interior.

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So do your air-conditioning unit (and power bill) a favour and manage the temperature of your home from every angle. Beyond just saving you money, it will make the place you go to relax, that much more inviting.


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