Determined to be better with money? These three apps will help you on your way

Stop avoiding the money discussion with these apps that are designed to help you get on top of your finances — and stay there.

For splitting bills… Split Wise
This app allows users to create groups, input detailed expenses and track payments and IOUs. It can also be used to set up recurring bills and simplify debts into easy repayment plans, ensuring you never have to encounter awkward money moments with friends or family again. 

For hitting goals… Pennies
An award-winning budgeting app, Pennies makes keeping track of daily spending easy and allows users to reach their saving goals in a stress-free way. This is a flexible, user-friendly option for anyone wanting to get on top of their personal finances.

For easy accounting… QuickBooks
Perfect for freelancers or small business owners, this app is designed for straightforward money and account management on-the-go. Simple and approachable, it will have you managing various incomings and outgoings in a far more organised way in no time. 


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