Heisenberg's Equation, 2020, cast acrylic edition of 1 + AP, 500mm x 1200mm
Twofold, 2020, cast acrylic, edition of 3, 300mm x 600mm
From left: Square Circle Square (green), 2020, cast acrylic, edition of 3, 600mm x 600mm x 45mm;Circle in Red, 2020, cast acrylic, edition of 3, 400mm x 400mm
Congruence, 2020, cast acrylic, 500mm x 1060mm

Prepare to be mesmerised by this art exhibition challenging reality with glowing geometrical forms

A current exhibition from light and installation-based artist Kāryn Taylor displays pleasingly tonal contours of layered and spliced geometric shapes, to highly impactful effect. Showing at Sanderson Contemporary, the exhibition is named An Implicate Order, and hinges on a concept by the late theoretical physicist David Bohm. He stated that there is a deeper and more fundamental order of reality (the implicate order), which transcends humans’ perceived order of reality, or the “explicate order”. 

Taylor’s practice is often informed by concepts like this. Through manipulating light, form and shadow, and challenging the viewer’s perception, she investigates metaphysics, regarding the existence and nature of things, and quantum physics, the behaviour of matter and energy.

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Likening geometry to a language, Taylor aims to communicate these complicated, sometimes illogical-seeming ideas through what, on the surface, might be viewed as relatively simplistic forms. They are, however, always extremely precise — never rough or wobbly. Many of the lines themselves appear to glow, resulting in an almost three-dimensional effect. Complex concepts aside, Taylor’s use of colour is sublime, and the mesmerising quality of her works will have you visually tracing their forms in a new way with every change of angle.


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